Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Visual Studio Unit Tests: Handling Exceptions

In a previous post the development of Unit Tests was presented (Visual Studio: Developing Unit Tests) but in each case the methods under test returned a value and none of the methods under test threw exceptions. This post will present how to test exceptions using ExpectedException attribute from the Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting namespace.

public bool IsItSo(string data)
  if (data == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException();

  if ((data == "A") || (data == "B") || (data == "C"))
    return true;

    return false;

The previous post, Visual Studio: Developing Unit Tests, demonstrated how to create unit tests so to test the passing a null value to the IsItSo method, a new test method can be created:

public void IsItSoNullException()
  Worker worker = new Worker();
  bool result;

  result = worker.IsItSo(null); 

This test can be run from Test Explorer displayed using Visual Studio’s Test menu’s Windows | Test Explorer option: Running the test method, IsItSoNullException creates a failed test due to the exception:

The behavior that the IsItSo method will throw an exception is a known behavior. To test this the ExpectedException  attribute is added to the IsItSoNullException  test method:

public void IsItSoNullException()
  Worker worker = new Worker();
  bool result;

  result = worker.IsItSo(null);

Running the test method, IsItSoNullException, results is a successful test run:

The constructor for the ExpectedException attribute used above is as follows:

public ExpectedExceptionAttribute(
Type exceptionType)

The type passed into the constructor is the type of the exception expected. If a different exception is thrown in the test method then the test will fail:

If no exception is is thrown by the test method adorned with the ExpectedException attribute then the test fails:

The ExpectedExceptionAttribute class exposes a second constructor signature:

public ExpectedExceptionAttribute(
Type exceptionType,
string noExceptionMessage)

The second parameter is supposed to display when the test fails. This behavior does not work in Visual Studio but according the postings on the web, this works when running MSTest or VSTest. So if developers need to convey information to QA with regards to test failure, this is the mechanism that should be used.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Visual Studio: Developing Unit Tests

On a typical software project developers are responsible for writing per-method tests called unit tests. Such tests exercise the code within a method but typically do not exercise end-to-end functionality. For example, units tests would not invoke web services, access a database, etc.

It is unrealistic from a time/cost perspective for developers to write tests that cover every line of code within a project so a goals are set on a project. A common goal is that the tests written by developers achieve fifty percent coverage with respect to the lines of code within the project. Visual Studio provides the tools and infrastructure that the support the development of unit tests and measuring metrics such as code coverage.

To understand this consider the following solution, AnEntireApplication, which contains a single project (a Windows console application), TheCode:

This console application project, The Code, contains a source file, Worker.cs. In order to demonstrate Visual Studio's support for developing unit tests, such tests will be developed to exercise the methods of the Worker.cs source file which contains the Worker class.

The first thing to do when developing tests is to organize their location within the solution. The most straight forward way to do this is to create a folder in the solution called "Tests" and to place each test-related project associated with the solution in the Tests folder. To create this folder right click on the solution name within Solution Explorer and select Add | New Solution Folder:

When prompted create a solution folder named, "Tests":

To add a Unit Test project to the solution right click on the Tests folder and select Add | New Project:

Selecting New Project, displays the New Project dialog. Within this dialog select Installed | Visual C# | Test | Unit Test Project:

The project containing the code to test is TheCode project. The Unit Test Project to be created will be named TheCodeTest. The name is identical to the project to test with the name Test appended.

When the Unit Test project is added to the solution it appears as follows:

TheCodeTest unit test project will be testing the clases of TheCode console project. For this reason a reference should be added to from TheCodeTest to TheCode. This is achieved by right clicking on the References folder and from the contact menu select, Add Reference:

Selecting Add Reference from the Context Menu displays the Reference Manager dialog for the TheCodeTest project:

Prom the Projects tab select TheCode so TheCostTest unit test projects references project containing the code to be tested, TheCode:

As you can see above, the References for TheCodeTest project now contains a reference to TheCode.

The Unit Test project that was crated came pre-seeded with a sample unit test class, UnitTest1:

A clean way to approach testing is to have one test class per-class being tested. For this reason the UnitTest1 class and source file should be renamed WorkerTest as they will be testing the Worker class:

The attributes associated Unity Test project a predicated on common sense. Any class used to test is adorned with the [TesteClass] attribute and any method executing a test will be adorned with a [TestMethod] attribute.

The code associated with the TheCode class is as follows:

public class Worker
  public bool IsItSo(string data)
    if ((data == "A") || (data == "B") || (data == "C"))
      return true;

      return false;

  public bool IsThatSo(string data)
    switch (data)
      case "A":
      case "B":
      case "C":
        return true;

        return false;

As the previous code snippet shows, the class to test exposes two methods IsItSo and IsThatSo. Once again the common sense design pattern should be applied when creating test methods. To understand how this consider the following from the WorkerTest class whose responsibility is to test the Worker class:

Notice above that there is a method defined, TestIsItSo, whose purposes is to test the Worker class' IsItSo method. Also notice above that there is a method defined, TestIsThatso whose purpose is to the the Work class's IsThatSo method.

The code associated with the IsItSo method is straightforward. If the parameter data is set to “A” or “B” or “C” then IsItSo returns true otherwise the method returns false. The TestIsItSoMethod should follow some obvious steps:
  1. Create an instance of the Worker class
  2. Invoke the IsItSo method passing in “A” as a value
  3. Verify the return value returned is set to true.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 above by pass in “B” and “C” as a parameter.
  5. Pass in “D” as a parameter
  6. Verify the return value is set to false
At the top of the TestWorker class, a using statement was created where Visual Studio created the source file:
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

The using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; namespace contains a class called, Assert, that is used to test the return values for the methods to be tested. The Assert class exposes static methods such as:

  • IsTrue
  • IsFalse
  • AreEqual
  • AreNotEqual
  • IsNull
  • IsNotNull
Each of the previous methods (and there are a lot more of them within the Assert class) are designed to cause the test to fail if the assertion is false. The test passes if the assertion is true. Given that IsItSo returns a boolean, it makes sense to validate this methods return value using IsTrue and IsFalse. A example of a test case for IsItSo is as follows:

Worker worker = new Worker();
bool result;

result = worker.IsItSo("A");

In the previous snippet, we expect the “result” parameter to be assigned a value of true when IsItSo is passed a string value of “A”. The Assert class’s IsTrue method tests the value of “results” and insures it is “is true” and hence the test passes passes. If IsItSo had returned false then the test case would have failed.

To be thorough the code for the TestIsItSo is as follows where functionality verifies each code path in the Worker class’ IsItSo method:

The TestIsThatSo method similarly tests the code associated with the Worker class’ IsThatSo method:

At this point, it is possible to run the tests which is done using Test Explorer. To display Test Explorer select the Test | Windows | Test Explorer:

From Text Explorer the tests can be run by clicking on the project and selecting Run Selected Tests:

Since the project was clicked on within Test Explorer all tests for the project are run which displays the following at the bottom of Test Explorer:

The test would pass if the covered one percent of the code or if the covered one hundred percent of the code. To see that actual code coverage invoke Analyze Code Coverage for Selected Tests:

The hierarchy of coverage can be expanded to reveal the following:

Test coverage applies to both the code being tested (TheCode project) and the test code itself (TheCodeTest project). Our target was to test the Worker class' IsItSo and IsThatSo method. The percent coverage for these methods is one hundred percent so it looks like we have done our job.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

SQL Azure: Finding the Server Name for SQL Azure Instance


Migrating from an on premise version of SQL Server to SQL Azure utilizes standard tools such as SQL Server Management Studio. To access any database whether SQL Azure or on premise SQL Server, a server name is required. The server name is simply the name of the computer on which the database resides. 

For an Azure instance that contains at least one SQL Azure instance, a server name already exists for the SQL Azure Instance. Finding the server name is demonstrated in the section below entitled, "Finding an Existing Server Name." For an Azure instance that has never had a SQL Azure instance created, there is no server name. How create and find the server name associated with SQL Azure is demonstrated in the secton below entitle, "Find the Server Name of a New SQL Azure Instance."

Finding an Existing Server Name

First log into the Azure management portal, Once logged in click on the "SQL databases" tab header which displays a list of SQL Azure instances. Click on the instance name for which the server name is needed (see below). An example of the information shown when clicking on a SQL Azure instance is show below:

On the far right blade the server name is show. For instance in the previous screenshot the server name is

Find the Server Name of a New SQL Azure Instance

There is no server name associated associated with a SQL Azure if there is no SQL Azure database instance. To create a server and hence a server name, a SQL Azure database must be created. This is achieved by first logging into the Azure management portal,

Once logged into the Azure Portal the tab selector for managing SQL Azure instances is found on the left but then again the tab selectors for managing all Azure components (App Services, Virtual Machines, Cloud Services, etc.) are found on the left side of the portal page:

Clicking on "SQL databases" tab selector displays the following (note this is a virgin instance of Azure so there are no SQL Azure instances and no server name associated with the Azure instance):

To create a SQL Azure instance click on the "Add" button from the "SQL Databases" blade. This displays a form that allows a SQL Azure database to be created:

When creating a SQL Azure instance a "Database name" and a "resource group name." The database name is self explanatory. The concept of a resource group is documented here "Azure Resource Manager overview" but simply put a resource group is a way to bind all resources associated with an application. The resource group allows all components of an application to be tracked by the unifying resource group name. The components associated with an application (hence a resource group) include virtual machines, storage, networks, web apps, databases and database servers.

The Configure required settings must be clicked on to complete the creation of the SQL Azure database. Clicking on the aforementioned link shows a blade containing a "Create new Server" button. Recall that this is a new instance of Azure so there are new existing servers to select. Clicking on the "Create new Server"  button displays the "New server" blade:

In order to create a server name both a server name and an administrative user for the server must be specified. With regards to server name and the administrative username, the usual suspects will be specified namely server name, KeyserSoeze, and administrative username, Verbal Kint. A password is also required for the administrative user. Looking  at the previous screenshot it should be clear that the fully qualified server name is

Once the required values have been specified for the "New Server" the "Select" button should be created in order to complete the creation of the new server. 

This action closes the "New Server" blade and fills in the server name under "Server" value associated with the SQL Azure database being created (see the following):

Click on "Create" to complete the creation of the SQL Azure instance and its corresponding server name name called

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Visual Studio Enterprise with MSDN benefit: Free Azure Credit

Microsoft provides $150 per-month in Azure credit with each Visual Studio Enterprise with MSDN subscription. To active the Azure credit, first login to using the account associated with the MSDN subscription (the aptly named "Sign in" button):

Once signed into MSDN click on "MSDN subscription" found in the upper right corner:

Clicking on "MSDN Subscriptions" lists the features provided as part of the MSDN subscription including the category "Microsoft Azure." In order to activate the subscription associated with the MSDN subscription click on the "Activate Microsoft Azure" link:

Clicking on the "Activate Microsoft Azure" link navigates to the sign up page (no credit card required) for Microsoft Azure:

Once a user has signed up, the Azure account is not created immediately. It takes several minutes in order for an account to be created. The following screen is displayed (note the spiraling gear indicating a user should wait for the account to be created):

After less than ten minutes an account is created and an email is sent to the email address associated with the MSDN account:

From the email clicking on the "Azure Account Center" link redirects to the URL which displays the following page:

Clicking on "Start managing service" redirects to user to where the Azure subscription can be managed:

An MSDN subscriber can no access their activated Azure subscription.