Monday, October 16, 2017

Windows 10: Logging out of the current Git account

I find myself working from multiple Git accounts while logged into the same Windows login. Normally I use Git exclusively from the command-line but when logging out of Git to insure I can login and receive a new login-prompt, I use Control Panel, specifically the dialog for managing Windows Credentials -- see path:
Control Panel | User Accounts | Credential Manager | Manage Windows Credentials

In order to access this functionality, display Control Panel:

Select User Accounts which displays the following:

Under Manager your credentials select Windows Credentials:

 Notice in the previous screenshot that there are git related credentials under heading, Generic Credentials. To the right of git: click on expand button,

Clicking on this button reveals the following:

The Remove button removes the credential. Remove all git related credentials to be force git to prompt for a new user login.