Wednesday, November 13, 2024

PowerShell: Create a git branch for an issue (type, number and title)

 On a project the branches used take the following form where issues are of type Bug, Task, etc:

<issue type>/<user name>/<issue number>-<title>

Example branch names are:


The code to create the branch name and perform a "git checkout -b" to create the branch locally is as follows (script New-Branch.ps1):

    [string] $issueType,
    [string] $issueNumber,
    [string] $issueTitle

Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Set-PSDebug -Off
# Set-PSDebug -Trace 1

[int] $exitCodeSuccess = 0

[int] $exitCodeError = 1

[int] $exitCode = $exitCodeSuccess

function Get-UserNameCore {
    [string] $userName = (whoami)
    [int] $lastBackslashIndex = $userName.LastIndexOf('\')

    if ($lastBackslashIndex -ge 0) {
        $userName = $userName.Substring($lastBackslashIndex + 1)

    return $userName

function Get-BranchCore {
        [string] $issueTitle

    return ($issueTitle -replace '[ ,./:\\=]', '-').Trim()

try {
    [string] $userName = Get-UserNameCore
    [string] $branchBody = Get-BranchCore $issueTitle
    [string] $branchName = "$issueType/$userName/$issueNumber-$branchBody"

    $gitResult = git checkout -b $branchName 2>&1
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
        throw "Failed to create branch: $branchName. Error: $gitResult"
    Write-Host "Created: $branchName"

catch {
    [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $errorRecord = $PSItem

    $exitCode = $exitCodeError
    Write-Host $errorRecord
    Write-Host `
        "Exception Message: $($errorRecord.Exception.Message), " + `
        "Stacktrace: $($errorRecord.Exception.StackTrace)"

return $exitCode

The corresponding launch.json is follows:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "New-Branch",
            "type": "PowerShell",
            "request": "launch",
            "script": "${workspaceRoot}\\New-Branch.ps1",
            "args": [
                "-issueType", "bug",
                "-issueNumber", "1234",
                "-issueTitle", "'Clean up code formatting'"

Git: Merging a branch and Prioritizing Current Branch

In a local git repo, I was working on a branch. I had to merge with main. During the merge I wanted the changes made in my branch to be prioritized over any changes in main. On some projects, I'm just an arrogant sod that way.

This is the git command that merged branch, main, with my current branch and prioritizes the. current branch with the merge:

git merge -s ours main

The result of the following command will be to:

  • Ignores all changes from branch, main.
  • Keeps all the changes from the current branch which means any changes made to the main branch will be discarded.